
Planner 5D - interior design

Planner 5D

Create an interior design for your home in 3D in your favorite style. Build a house with Planner 5D, creating a plan of rooms and floors.

Take part in daily Design Battles on various topics and get valuable PRIZES!

You can easily implement any interior or architectural design of the house, use ready-made projects and add your design, furniture, decor, floors, etc. In Planner 5D, you can choose floor designs without restrictions, create a plan and design of a room, kitchen, bathroom, living room or bedroom. You can add interior elements: paintings, clocks, vases, lamps, curtains and much more. Also in the application, you can build a house by the sea or lake and plan a landscape design around the house: a swimming pool, a garden with a swing and a place to relax. In the application, you can make not only the interior design of a house or room, but also create a plan and interior of a cafe, restaurant and even a gym!


You can edit and view the house design and room design in 2D and 3D modes. Walk around your house in virtual reality! After that, you can easily make home repairs, change the interior design of the house or room, add missing decor elements to the house.

We have successfully implemented modern technologies to make interior design design as simple and entertaining as possible. You can appreciate the ability to create fully functional 3D home design and layout projects without special skills, using artificial intelligence technology and AR technology to create interior design simulations of any room. 3D room design is a simple tool that allows you to easily customize the layout with your dimensions and see the final picture in real size.

The home and room interior design app is:

– A furniture catalog with many items to use in your design
– Realistic photos showing home and room designs
– A large gallery where you will find project ideas and images of home designs, rooms, floor plans, interior design and landscape designs of our users
– Online and offline: You can use the app to create home and room interior designs
– Sign up with your, Google+, or Facebook account to use home design on all platforms
– The app is available in English, Italian, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, Japanese, French
– View ideas for your home design using Chromecast (screencast)

Create floor plans and layouts for your home
Choose furniture, accessories, decor and other items from a regularly updated catalog
Apply hundreds of textures and colors in different combinations
Drag and drop objects anywhere on the room plan
Resize any element
View your designs in virtual reality with Google Cardboard glasses or similar technology

Stas Getman
I drew 4 rooms, put in doors and when installing windows, chests of drawers, changing their sizes, an advertisement pops up about a subscription for a year. When you close the advertisement window, the size changes are deleted, you change the size and the advertisement pops up, and so on in a circle. I do not recommend the application, it is much easier to take an A4 sheet, a pencil and a ruler! In fact, there is nothing free in the application! Just half an hour of life in vain!
Mary the Virgin
In addition to the fact that the models are limited, you can’t adjust their sizes without premium. Also, if you go into the application without an account, after some time the drawings that you made disappear. I created an account, and as a result, the drawings still disappeared, although it is written that they will not disappear if you make them in the account. Also, if there are drawings on one account, then through the tablet you can see they are on the phone in the same account, they are not there. Therefore, the rating is appropriate.
Nastya Creep
not an app, but a total advertisement with terrible movement. It is easier for people without legs to walk than in this game. Complete bad taste, only if you pay, then everything will be unlocked. You can’t do it the way you want, you can’t increase or decrease anything. Thanks for allowing movement, I give two stars for trying to make it 3D. Although the movement is total horror.